Crisis / Emergency Contacts, Perth Ambulance/Police 000 Lifeline WA 13 11 14 Mental Health Emergency Response Line 1300 555 788 Samaritans Crisis Line 13 52 47 The Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 46 Helpful & Informative websites There are some great resources on the Net. I am a big fan of self help and educating yourself. I certainly do not profess to be the holder of all information on mental health or psychotherapy (but I do know quite a bit). That would be impossible. It is really empowering for YOU to seek out information for yourself but make sure it is from a reliable source and if you are not sure, check it out with your therapist. MARC: The Mindfulness Awareness Research Centre Blue Knot Foundation Black Dog Institute BPD Central Headspace Kids Matter Dis-sos. Excellent blog site for all things CPTSD and Dissociation Some Great Books/ Documentaries Lost Connections: Johann Hari A new theory on the rising incidence of depression and what we can do about it. The Body keeps the Score: Bessel Van der Kolk Trauma and Complex trauma and how it plays out in the body. Stop Walking on Egg Shells: Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger Living with a Loved one who has difficulty managing their emotions. Full Catastrophe Living: Jon Kabat-Zinn The original Mindfulness bible. 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Babette Rothschilde A roadmap to managing and coping with symptoms of PTSD The Trauma of Everyday Life: Mark Epstein A great read on dealing with daily trauma of life such as death, illness and loneliness. Daring Greatly: Brene Brown (and anything else by Brene Brown) The courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live and love. The Wisdom of Trauma: (Film). Dr Gabor Mate *Wired for Love: Stan Tatkin. The neurobiology that drives our attachment and how to work with it. Cannot recommend this highly enough. Complex PTSD. From Surviving to Thriving: Pete Walker *Choose Growth: A Workbook for Transcending Trauma, Fear and Self Doubt : Jordyn Feingold and Scott Barry Kaufman *Mother Hunger: Kelly McDaniel Great Podcasts and Apps Waking up : by Sam Harris. Meditation, neuroscience and the meaning of life. Headspace : App for all things meditation Calm : Another App for all things meditation Huberman Lab : Neuroscience for improving our everyday lives. Curable : Managing Chronic Pain School of Life: Alain de Botton |